Analytical Services

Putting You On the Path to Success
Water Remediation Servics, LLC, (WRS) is your go-to source for all things related to environmental and safety consulting in addition to our water and waste stream treatment systems. Our professionals have provided clients with a wide range of services tailored to their specific needs. Our analytical services division is actively engaged in providing analytical testing services on a variety of projects, including sampling support, data interpretation and validation, on-site data/sample logging services and pick up of samples from your site.
Air Analysis:
A variety of methods are now in place to collect samples using Fused Silica-lined Canisters (FSL) also known as Silco Canisters which are available in a standard 6-Liter size. Canisters can be used with a time regulated collection mechanism. We have dedicated sophisticated Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometers (GC/MS) instruments which are tuned using air standards rather than liquid standards when appropriate. Canisters can be mailed or delivered by courier. Another option for sampling is the use of Tedlar Bags. All air analyses are done in our standard five day turnaround.
Volatile Organic Compounds by TO15 - (VOCs)
Volatile Organic Compounds TO14 - (VOCs)
MA Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) APH
TICs and Library Search
Metals including Mercury
PCBs by Puff
All Packages include complementary return postage or courier pickup. All bottles, cups, or vials necessary for sampling are provided are included.
Basic Water Testing Package:
Total Coliform, Nitrate, Nitrite, Color, Turbidity, Manganese, Sodium, Sulfate, Chloride, pH, Specific Conductance, Copper, Iron, Lead, Hardness
Tests can be performed individually.
Petroleum Analysis:
Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH) and Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (VPH)
Soil / Sediment Analysis, Water Analysis :
US EPA and ASTM Methodologies (GC/MS, ICP, HCLP)
We use standard approved environmental testing methods throughout the laboratory.
Coliform, Fecal or Coliform ,Total e-Coli
Standard Plate Count or Heterotrophic Plate Count
Call WRS today and find out how we can help you achieve your goals.